1. According to functionalist theory, what was the definition of the "instrumental leader" and what was the definition of an "expressive leader." What family roles were connected to each of these leader definitions?
After Reading through Chapter 1, the definition of the instrumental leader according to the functionalist theory as the person in each small group to lead the group discussion about how to accomplish the task they had been assigned.
The person who is known as the expressive leader was the person who kept up with groups spirit with warm, supportive remarks and jokes.
Therefore Parsons and Bales assumed that the husband in the family was the instrumental leader because his labor provided the financial support for the family and the wife in the family who is the stay at home wife is considered to be an expressive leader because she provided emotional support to her husband and children.
2. What main demographic change during the 1960s and 1970s led theorists to be critical of the functionalist perspective?
In the 1960's and 1970's the demographic change here was the work force for women. Married women started in the workforce around this era and the breadwinner-homemaker family lost its dominant position.
3. In contrast to functionalist theorists, in your own words, what is the main theme of conflict theory?
The main theme of conflict theory is pretty much are people who focus on inequality, power and social change. Basically what this means is that Between Men and Women conflict theorists would say that men are seen more powerful because of physical force and economic resources as for women are not. They use the power between what people have and resources to see who and what dominates the other.
4. Social exchange theory is based on ideas from what discipline (not sociology). What do exchange theorists say about husbands bargaining power versus that of wives?
According the the exchange theorists, husbands who are in a stronger bargaining position when they are the sole earners in their families because their wives have fewer alternative sources of income. When wives earn money on their own their dependence decrease and therefore their husbands power over them decreases. They can drive a better bargain for who does the house work. Basically who ever is more dependent then their power is greater over the other person.
5. Feminist theory is based on what main idea?
feminist theory is based upon gender, which is usually defined as the social and cultural characteristics that distinguish men and women in a society. Feminists argue that nearly all gender differences we see in roles of woman and men are of cultural origin and have been socially constructed.
6. Thinking about the functionalist, conflict, exchange and feminist/gender perspectives or theories: do you think the power of wives versus husbands in families is changing and why? CLEARLY identify a specific demographic, economic, or cultural change(s) we went over in lecture 3 to support your argument.
After reviewing these different theories and aspects I believe the power of wives versus husbands in families is changing for many reasons. According to Lecture three and reviewing over the chapter in the book women in today's world women are seeking more education. Single and married woman's labor force participation rates have increased a lot. These are some examples from reading under the demographic changes in this era. Also, it is more common that both parents have to work to support a family; a husbands income cant support a family on most occasions now.
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